Know your Numbers with Molly Benjamin from Ladies Finance Club!

Episode #51

Female financial literacy is a topic that is gaining conversation and momentum.  Recently coming to light the alarming statistic that the fastest growing group to experience homelessness in Australia is women aged 50+.  Ladies, it's time to know your numbers!


I am beyond pumped to have Molly Benjamin on the Eating Your Cake Too Podcast, showing us finance can be fun!


There is no better advocate than Molly as she shares her personal journey with us.  She was that young woman who spent everything, had a great time too!  Molly’s lightbulb moment was she didn’t have a financial goal or understood a lot about finance, and realised she had a lot of company!  A London lounge room, pizza, wine, friends, a finance expert friend and Ladies Finance Club was born!


Molly shares her thoughts and insights with us by breaking finance down for us into bite size chunks, whether it's personal finance or your career.  Getting on top of your finances is about understanding your beliefs about money, keeping things as small, but achievable steps, being consistent, having a community around you and a dash of accountability on the side.  

This is just a taster!  Tune into the podcast for more. 

If you’re keen to connect with Molly and the Ladies Finance Club check out her Instagram here or website and sign up for the newsletter.   

You can also grab your copy of Molly’s book ‘Girls just want to have Funds’ here

If you’re ready to take charge with your finances, part of that is about owning your career - if you’re ready to do that too, reach out to me and let’s chat about how we make 2024 your time to shine! 

Ready for action? 

Order your copy of ‘Less Hustle, More Happy’ HERE
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