A Career and a Family aren't mutually exclusive with Jodi Geddes

Episode #16

How do you juggle the responsibility of raising kids while making a living in a world that demands almost everything of us? Many people will tell you that having a career while raising a child is impossible. They'll tell you that you have to choose between the two; that you can't have it both ways. And no matter how hard you try, there will be times when work bleeds into your personal life and vice versa. However, that doesn’t mean that having a career and being a parent are mutually exclusive – you can be both and you can have both.  

But, what does it take to strike a good balance between work and family life? To answer these questions and more, I have Jodi Geddes with me. And we will share with you how to have the right support in overcoming the struggle between work and family life. Jodi is the co-founder of Circle In, and with her business partner Kate Pollard, they are on a mission to build a better world for working parents and careers 
span style="font-weight: 400;">Learn more about Circle In right here!

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