Dressing with Confidence with Jessie Jolly
Ever feel like you have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear? Do you keep clothes that don’t fit anymore and think to yourself, “one day, I’ll be able to wear this again”, and it just keeps taking up space in your wardrobe? Perhaps all of us have been there at some point in our lives. In this episode, together with Jessie Jolly –professional personal stylist, we’ll talk about all things clothes, confidence and rocking them in your career!
In our conversation we talk about the impact how we look has on how we feel, as well as how you can dress with confidence in any industry or job. We talk about issues with hoarding clothes and how to let go of those “guilty clothes” that take up space in our wardrobe. Jessie even shares her experiences with previous clients and how she transitioned into her styling career - hint: it wasn’t the pathway you’d think! We’ve got lots of questions and Jessie has all the answers - don’t miss it!
Learn more about Jessie here:
Jessie Jolly’s Website
Follow Jessie on Instagram: @jessiejollystylist
Jessie’s Book Recommendation - BIG MAGIC by Elizabeth Gilbert
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