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Regaining your Sparkle with Ashley Speers
Have you ever had one of those moments in your life where you just know that something needs to change? Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like the person staring back at you is a stranger? You are not alone....
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How to Get what you Want at Work!
Do you have something you want to ask for at work, but have absolutely NO idea where to start? Have you thought about what actions you need to start taking now in order to put your best foot forward? In this episode,...
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The role of men in lifting up women with Marcia Lawrence
In recent years, calls for gender equality have increased along with the need to close the gender wage gap. But even with the progress that has been made in this space, there are still very few women in positions of...
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Where to start when you don't know what you want to do
Do you feel stuck or unsure about your current job or career path? When you hear the word “mid-career pivot” what feelings come up for you? Excitement? Or dread, fear and anxiety? Almost all of us will experience...
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The Power of Connection with Sarah Cordner
Are you a follower or a leader? Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, I believe we can all agree that it is critical to learn to lead ourselves first. “leadership of others starts with leadership of self”. ...
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Are You Staying Relevant?
How can you make sure you stay relevant in your job? Relevant in your industry? Your company? These questions came up recently during a coaching session I was having with a private one-on-one client of mine. They felt...
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Let’s talk Performance with Emma Miller
Ever been curious about the conversations that take place behind closed doors when choices about promotions are made? Maybe you’ve wondered what else you can do to ensure you are recognised for your achievements? Or,...
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Get noticed at work without being the loudest in the room
Do you ever feel ignored, unheard, or unnoticed at work? Even if you want to speak up and be heard more, perhaps you’re afraid of coming across as arrogant or stepping on other people's toes. You have some great ideas...
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A Career and a Family aren't mutually exclusive with Jodi Geddes
How do you juggle the responsibility of raising kids while making a living in a world that demands almost everything of us? Many people will tell you that having a career while raising a child is impossible. They'll...
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How self-aware are you, really?
For those who have worked with me in the past (or maybe you do currently), you’ll know that I often talk about the importance of knowing who you are. The importance of being self-aware. Why? Because if we don’t know...
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How to Make Decisions with Bethan Winn
Every one of us struggles with decisions at one point or another in our lives. There’s a body of research stating that we make about 30,000 decisions a day. Just in one day! But, it’s often the big things, the major...
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Dressing with Confidence with Jessie Jolly
Ever feel like you have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear? Do you keep clothes that don’t fit anymore and think to yourself, “one day, I’ll be able to wear this again”, and it just keeps taking up space in...
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